It's never Been Easier: Learn How to Get a Personal Loan for $1000 Right Now!

It's never Been Easier: Learn How to Get a Personal Loan for $1000 Right Now!

10 Things You Should Make, Not Buy
Some things are just easier and cheaper to make than buy at the store
1. Peanut Butter

To make peanut butter at home all you need is: 16 ounces of dry roasted peanuts (more or less depending on how much you want to make at once) a pinch or two of salt and a food processor. Store in an air tight container in your refrigerator for up to a month. If you've ever bought natural peanut butter before you've probably noticed that sometimes a little oil seperation occurs-that's normal, just stir your peanut butter before use if you notice this happens.

For directions and more information head over to A Beautiful Mess.

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There are private lender and government loans available to help provide assistance with:
Credit Card Debt Debt Consolidation Disaster Relief, Small Businesses Education Housing
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