It's never Been Easier: Learn How to Get a Personal Loan for $1000 Right Now!

It's never Been Easier: Learn How to Get a Personal Loan for $1000 Right Now!

Shelf Life of Your Pantry Items
It's good to have a stocked pantry, but know how long each item lasts.
Dried pasta: Up to 2 years

"Pasta is a staple of every pantry, and when stored properly, some say it can last indefinitely. However, for the best quality, the USDA and most sources recommend keeping pasta no more than two years. Store it in an airtight container (the sealed box is also fine) in a cool, dry place, as the pasta is affected by extreme temperatures and humidity. You should also toss expired dried pasta if the noodles appear blotchy or discolored." -Buzzfeed

Image via: Wasteless Pantry


There are private lender and government loans available to help provide assistance with:
Credit Card Debt Debt Consolidation Disaster Relief, Small Businesses Education Housing
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